Configuring Blackfire Continuous Profiler for PHP
Requires Production Plan

The PHP continuous profiling is currently made across 4 dimensions:

  • CPU Time: time spent running on the CPU
  • Wall-time: elapsed time per function call
  • Allocated memory: number of bytes allocated in memory
  • Allocations: time spent running on the CPU
  • PHP >= 8.2.0
  • PHP Non-Thread Safe (NTS) only
  • Blackfire Agent >= 2.13.0
  • Download the latest dd-library-php release corresponding to your architecture.
  • Extract content to dd-library-php folder.
  • Find the extension in dd-library-php/profiling/ext/{PHP_API_VERSION}/ where PHP_API_VERSION matches php -i | grep '^PHP API' | cut -f2 -d'='| sed 's/^> //'
  • When loaded, you can see the extension works correctly using php --ri datadog-profiling

Blackfire utilizes the open source Datadog profiler to collect continuous profiling traces and, via its agent, sends it directly to Blackfire's ingesters where we process and analyze the data for your observability needs.

The following environment variables are available:

  • DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL=unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock
  • DD_SERVICE="your app name"