Understanding HTTP Requests

The HTTP tab of a profile contains a list of all the HTTP requests the profiled script made.

The list contains:

  • the number of calls made to that URL;
  • the related wall-time;
  • and the network consumption.

The displayed wall-time refers to the function gathering information on the query. For instance, it could be curl_multi_info_read for a cURL query.

The Request Metadata are displayed by clicking on the URL in the list.

The Metadata may contain:

  • the request Content-Type;
  • the HTTP Status Code;
  • the Total Time: time from the request start until the end of the transfer. When a redirect is followed, the time from each request is added together;
  • a breakdown of the Total Time:

    • Domain Name lookup time: time from the request start until the name resolving was completed;
    • Connect Time: time from the request start until the connection to the remote host (or proxy) was completed. When a redirect is followed, the time from each request is added together;
    • Pre-Transfer Time: time from the request start until the file transfer is about to begin. When a redirect is followed, the time from each request is added together;
    • Start-Transfer Time: time from the request start until the first byte is received. When a redirect is followed, the time from each request is added together;
  • an eventual title for that request;
  • and the Open Telemetry Measured Total Time.

The Blackfire HTTP Title field of the HTTP Request Metadata can be defined by adding the X-Blackfire-HTTP-Query-Title header to the request.

This title can provide a context easing the understanding of the profiles of applications heavily relying on external HTTP requests.

The function call that initiated a specific HTTP request can be located by searching the URL in callgraph search bar.