It is a collaborative workspace where to invite collaborators, who are automatically granted your Edition features and usage level. All profiling and testing data is shared with the team.
It is a testing silo where you write custom metrics according to your business logic, define tests and their applicability, and where you compare profiles and iterate.
It is plugged into your tools and workflow where you trigger test scenarios, receive build reports and notifications.
It lets you manage access to your servers where you configure at will the probe, agent, and credentials.
Environments configuration include:
- The ability to add collaborators;
- The ability to start builds;
- The ability to configure notification channels;
- The ability to configure variables;
- The ability to configure the environment's server credentials in any machine where Blackfire is installed.
Environments are a very flexible way to profile and test the performance of your applications, disregarding the physical machines or VMs. More specifically:
You can quickly access your most-used environments by marking them as favorites. Favorite environments are listed first within your organizations and your environments page.
To add or remove an environment from your list of favorites, click the star icon on the top right of its tile:
The Environment Admin can change the configuration of an Environment. The Environment Owner can promote an Environment Member to the Admin role or demote them.
More specifically, the Environment Admin can:
- Change the environment settings
- Invite and revoke Environment Members
- Change the Builds settings (Notifications Channels, Variables, Tested URLs)
And they cannot:
- Revoke the Environment Owner
- Promote an Environment Member to Environment Admin
- Delete the Environment