
Odoo is a suite of business management software written in Python.

We provide an integration allowing the performance measurement of individual HTTP requests.

  • Odoo 13 and higher

The recommended way to use Blackfire with Odoo is to use the blackfire-python command, as it configures the needed bits for you.

Run your webserver with blackfire-python command:

blackfire-python odoo-bin

If you prefer configuring Odoo manually, add the following call within your code:

import blackfire

This call should be made as early as possible in the lifecycle of an application, ideally before any otherimportstatements.

Then, restart your server.

You can use the blackfire curl command to profile specific requests:

blackfire curl http://localhost:8069/web

You can also use one of our browser extensions for Firefox or Chrome.

Read more about profiling web applications with a browser, or profiling with the CLI.